Duck hunt
Islam has been a revolutionary force in human history. It has evolved the greatest civilasation of history-a civilisation which cast its glorious spell over more than half of the known world-and is even now, and will. More two billion people subscribe to this faith with fifty member-countries of the united nation havinh a majority of followersNaturally, the world is curious to know more and more about a religion that has been playing such an illustrious role in history.But the irony remains that the material on which the world is being fed is biased, distorted and even concocted. Islam and the musalmans have been painted black and project as bloodthirsty heathens who, spread their religion at the point of the sword, trampling down all traditions of civilisation under their feet. Nothing can be farther from truth than this mud-splinging, which is the result of historical conspiracz against islam.

Islam, within no time, became a tremendous world-force. Some two hundred years back islamic countries became the main target of expansionist European powers, their religion had to be denounced and misrepresented in every concievable manner, so that the muslim peoples could be subjugated and at thesame time the possibility might be removed that their own people might embrace islam ideals and principles, as did Halaku Khan and his people, whore, after overruning muslim countries, themselves became the torch-bearers of islam and patterned their lives and set their governments on the islamic principle.
Leading thinkers of the non-muslim world are quoted in this site. This, in a way, is the evidence of those who, though they don't subscribe to this faith, nevertheless dispel the illusions that have been woven and popularised by the vested interests opposed to the ideology of islam.

Islam the universal region
Islam is a universal religion without distinction of race and colour and thus it belongs to the entire human race. Its a religion that can solve the problems of all ages and is equally suited to solve the problems of our "space Age" islam alone, of all religions, can guide civilisation which is on the brink of disaster. Western nations have to discover islam if present civilisation is to be saved from its impending horrid doom. Realising this truth George bernard shaw, a leading social thinker and playwright, said:
"EUROPE IN GENERAL AND INGLAND IN PARTICULAR will in the next half a century accept islam or a religion similar to islam." Thus its imperative that every member of the threatened civilisation should understand the principles and preachings of islam which not only lit the torch of knowledge in the dark ages, thus opening all the avanues that have led to our present technical and scientific achievements,but tha islam alone can satisfy the quest of rational minds and thus guide them to their destiny. Its quite clear what Geoge Bernard shaw meant when he said "islam or religion similar to islam", as is evident from the life of manx people who, when they learn about islam, exclaim: "This is exactly what we ourselves come to blieve after many years of thinking and contemplation, having been disappointed and dis-owning the religion of our birth." thus Goethe,the famous german philosorpher and peot when he learnt about islam pronounced:"we resign ourselves to God. if this be islam, do we not all live in islam?"loading.........

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